Don’t forget the four mitzvot of Purim,
carefully observed for centuries!

 1) Hear the Megillah

Purim Table a sing-song chant from a parchment scroll. Be sure to hear it both Purim night (Saturday, March 23 at night) and Purim day (Sunday, March 24)

 2) Give gifts of food ! Mishloach Manot - Muchnik

Ensure your friends and neighbors catch the Purim spirit by sending a package with at least two types of food to one or more of your fellows.

 3) Give charity !

Penny in JarDon’t forget about our poorest brethren – share the Purim joy by giving any amount to at least two impoverished folk, or donating to at least two different charities.

 4) Eat a festive meal ! Festive Table - Muchnik

Celebrate properly at a real Purim feast! Sit down with your family, sing Purim songs, and be merry!