Donate Online (225)

Chabad of Glenview serves the religious and the non-observant, the affiliated and non-affiliated, young and old and all in between. Chabad reaches out to all who are in need and assists them with their financial and emotional needs as well as serving the community at large by offering programs and classes for all ages.  From toddlers to seniors, all have a place and feel welcome at Chabad. 

Chabad is committed to strengthening Jewish identity, unity and committment.  We cannot do this alone.  We count on support from people known for their benevolence, sincerity and sensitivity to the needs of all mankind.  

Thank you for being our partner! Every individual  and every penny counts. 

To make a secure donation online 
        click here.           
Or you may mail it to 
Chabad of Glenview
701 Harlem Avenuew
Glenview, IL 60025

Dedicate the web site for a month! Share your occasion or mark an event with thousands of fellow visitors.

We accept donations of cars, boats, real estate & appreciated stock. Speak to your tax advisor for details or call our office.

Please remember Chabad of Glenview in your will!

Chabad of Glenview  is a 501(c)3 charity and all contributions to it are tax deductible.